Web Sites Worth Your Time

Visit the sites listed on this page for more information about mental health problems and treatments.

Great Mental Health Links
Crazy Meds No-nonsense info and forums about medications for mental-health problems
Dr. Ivan's Depression Central Lots of articles about depression
Internet Mental Health Diagnosis, therapy, and medication information. (Try their diagnostic tools!)
National Alliance on Mental Illness Advocacy group for mental-health issues

Great Medical Links

DrugWatch.com Offers information about over-the-counter and prescription medications and their associated side effects
eMedicine from WebMD Everything medical
Mental Help Net Everything about moving from mental illness to mental health
NeedyMeds.com Free or cheap medications for people who can't afford full price, or lack insurance

Great Web Logs

Overcoming Schizophrenia A Web log about schizophrenia, and the author's struggle with it

Great Discussion Groups

Beepers Peepers Moderated Google support group focusing on Bipolar Disorder, its treatment, and coping strategies
alt.support.depression Usenet group for general issues about Depression
alt.support.depression.medication Usenet group focusing specifically on medical treatments for Depression
alt.support.depression.manic Usenet group about Bipolar Disorder and its treatment
alt.support.schizophrenia Usenet group about Schizophrenia and its treatment
